Phew!! Just a week away from my youngest's birthday party and I am almost done... Still need to take on the cake and sweets preparation, which is frightening... but I'm pretty confident that my critics (mostly infants to 5-year-olds) won't be so harsh on me :-)
Here's the photo that became my inspiration for the birthday party:
I found it on Pottery Barn's website under baby shower suggestions. I loved this tablescape, and was determined to figure out a way to incorporate this idea into my little man's first birthday celebration. Actually, it was a no-brainer - I've had already been working on the concept "Time Flies" for his party, playing with the numbers 1 through 12 representing his age in months. I also wanted a very brightly-colored decoration (I needed to use up all the leftover paper straws, cups, plates and napkins from previous parties!) And finally, since I'd been looking for an excuse to use chevron/zigzag prints, I figure I could integrate those in the planning as well, creating an even happier atmosphere :-)
One of the first things I got to work on were the printed invitations. I am slowly learning how to do basic tasks on Photoshop, and I have to say that I am very happy with the result. The chevron border on the lower half of the inside page is a mix of digital papers from Great Graphics (thanks, Beth!) I used 3 different fonts (which I will be using on all other printed materials for the party) and many, many colors. For the front cover I glued a circle I made with a green border and colored 1-12 numbers all around, representing a clock face. On the center, the words "Time Flies..." setting the tone for the party. We asked guests to wear their favorite colors and to donate to the charity of their choice instead of bringing gifts. Our little boy is so happy with the toys he inherited from his big brother, plus, his favorite playthings are our little family (including the dogs) and my kitchen utensils anyway. So we thought our friends could "invest" their money on a cause that would benefit others more than us.Now, a quick peak at some of the things I've been working on. I've probably been bitten by some kind of DIY bug. And as a side-effect, it has clearly taken me out of reality to come up with so many projects on already overfilled days :-)
Pastry stands made from upcycling thrift store candlesticks, painting them in various colors and then glueing on melamine plates (I used low-temperature glue gun since I wanted to be able to detach the plates afterwards, for easy storage and perhaps a new "life" in the future.
Dyed wooden skewers using food coloring. So easy and fun! Here's a quick tutorial:
Homemade playdough for the kids to take home. I made two kinds: a more traditional recipe adding essential oils (still my favorite), and another one using flavored gelatin for color and scent (it's stickier and smells very artificial, not soothing at all to me...)
A little note on "aromatherapy playdough": a little oil goes a long way (just a few drops should be enough), and it releases a wonderful scent as it is manipulated and shaped by the kids. You can also choose the oil to set the mood: lavender and chamomile soothes and calms; rose and ylang ylang inspire strength; sweet orange, grapefruit and lime energizes, promotes focus and uplifts; tea tree helps to boost the immune system; eucalyptus is great for taming a cold and stuffy noses...
dough made using commercial gelatin (Jell-O brand) in several colors & "flavors"
tags with the playdough recipe to be attached to each bag (both recipes are at the end of this post)
I was ecstatic when I found this vintage highchair at Thrift Town for just $7.99!! That's exactly what I needed for one of my self-assignments: a table "skirt" made of ribbons and buttons I already had at home. Seriously, the only thing I had to buy for this project - besides the chair itself - was a double-sided heavy duty foam tape. It really pays off to save all the nice ribbons from gift wrapping and scraps from past projects and parties!
whimsical party hats
whimsical party hats
And a special (and over-the-top) one for the birthday boy
food card holders made out of unfinished wood and (adorable little hand) metal clips
painted wood numbers; chevron paper buntings (flags)
number "1" being made out of tiny chevron buttons (or brads); party favor bags
cake or candy boxes to (fill and) take home
chevron washi tape-covered clothespins
balloon wreath
I used a straw wreath (kept the plastic to avoid the shedding mess), and floral wire (picture "2") to attach the balloons all around the wreath.
colorful glass bottles for juice, labeled with the equivalent fruit :-)
inexpensive clocks that I intend to use as food trays
food cards; rainbow cake layers for colorful cake truffles (also know as cake balls or cake pops)
Can you guess what I have in mind for these pictures?
PS: In the next post I'll show how to easily set up a fun photo booth!
Recipe 1. Basic Cooked Playdough
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup salt
- 1 tablespoon cream of tartar (optional, helps preserve the dough)
- 1 tablespoon il
- 2 cups water
- food coloring, essential oils (optional)
Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until it forms a dough and releases from the bottom of the pan. (If making just one color, mix the food coloring with the water before adding it to the remaining ingredients. If not, divide the dough into as many pieces as colors being used and add during the kneading step. Wearing gloves will help prevent stained hands during the initial kneading.) Transfer into a work area, and knead once it has cooled a bit. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Recipe 2. Gelatin Playdough
- 1 cup flour (plus about 1/2 cup more for kneading)
- 2 tablespoons salt
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil
- 1 3oz pack of gelatin
Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until it forms a dough and releases from the bottom of the pan. Transfer into a non-stick work area (a silicone mat works great or you can work on a floured surface) and let it cool for about 20-30 minutes. Knead adding more flour until it no longer sticks to your hands. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
ReplyDeleteAdorei tbm Katita!
DeleteEstou a caça de inspiração para a festinha da minha gorduxinha tbm, que será no ano q vem em fevereiro. Alguma dica?
Festa lindissima, fiquei na vontade de ver mais fotos com tudo pronto. Bjs =*
ReplyDeleteQue festa linda! Super criativa, nunca tinha visto esse tema. Parabéns!
Oi Flavia que lindo, amei tudo vc esta arrasando cada dia mais, os chapeuzinho são lindo eu amo demais estes feito a mão, na festinha da minha filha o tema é bailarina então vou fazer coroas, mas no próximo chapeuzinho será um mais lindo que o outro, a cadeirinha de madeira realmente foi um achado e as fitas nossa lindo!
ReplyDeleteParabéns mais uma vez.
Gélia Carvalho
Lindo demais! Falei para Katita que vc deveria trabalhar com isso.. tudo super caprichado, nos mínimos detalhes...
ReplyDeleteAdorei o painel com as fotos em todos os meses! Vc conseguiu tirar e mostrar a evolução.. adorei o número em cada roupinha!!!
Eita, a massina foi feita de pegas varetas?
ReplyDeleteAdorei a guirlanda de baloes. Já vi em algum canto pela net, sou louca para fazer, é fácil?
Parabéns!! Tudo lindo e criativo!!
Oi Adriane, obrigada! Na verdade são dois projetos diferentes. A massinha foi feita com farinha, água, óleo e corante, tem receita lá em cima no blog (em inglês, querendo em português, é só falar!) As varetas de madeira (para churrasquinho) eu deixei de molho na água com corante alimentício pra ficar com aquelas cores. A guirlanda é super fácil, só usa bastante balões (usei uns 75), por isso deixei a parte de trás vazia pra poder pendurar na parede e não pesar muito. Se for fazer uma, sucesso!
DeleteNossa... Sem comentários, Flávia. A guirlanda de bexiga está linda. Simplesmente perfeita! As varetas, a massinha (!!!), os macarons artesanais, os pregadores com washi tape... Nems ei o que eu gostei mais! Tudo impecável! Mais uma vez, parabéns!
Renata (SP)
Os preparativos estão muito alegres! Transmitindo felicidade pura! Quanto ao conjunto de fotos dessa fofura de bebê... Hmmmm... let me gues... Seria utilizado para o printing do 'thanks for coming to my party' ? Beijos e parabéns pela criatividade! Paula
ReplyDeleteQue bom que gostou, Paula! E que sentiu a alegria nas cores e nos mimos :-) Gostei da idéia do "thank you note", mas não usei pra isso não... Vou organizar as fotos e em breve faço o post da festa, aí vou matar a curiosidade. Tem a ver com o tema... Beijos e obrigada!
DeleteMuitíssimo obrigada pelos comentários!! Foi uma festa feita com muito carinho e dedicação (e muitos obstáculos, tentando driblar meus "ajudantes" mirins :-) Quero logo compartilhar a festa, mas são tantas fotos pra escolher! Prometo escrever o post o mais rápido possível :-) Beijo grande em todas!
ReplyDeleteTudo MARA, como sempre!! Muito criativo e original. Obs.: Mateus aos 7 está a cara do Gabriel!!! Ele está muito lindo, PARABÉNS!!!
ReplyDeleteObrigada, Glaucia! Eu realmente sempre achei os dois bem parecidos, com a diferença que Mateus tem um olhar mais meigo, doce e Gabriel sempre teve cara de levado :-)
DeleteEu também adorei! Como sempre muito criativa! parabéns
ReplyDeleteEstá tudo lindo, Flave! Este tema Time Flies é perfeito. E, sabe que eu já tive outra ideia a partir disto? Vou desenvolvê-la melhor e guardar para uma ocasião muito especial. Bjs! Parabéns!!!
ReplyDeleteObrigada, patricia, que bom que gostou e se inspirou. Dá mesmo pra adaptar esse tema, seja pra uma festa de ano novo, ou um registro do primeiro ano de casamento, etc, etc. Quero ver todo mundo fazendo festa agora :-) Beijos!!
Deleteque festa linda! tudo tão criativo tão colorido! amei a receita da massinha... meu filho ama... e com certeza vou preparar! as fotos de todos os meses ficou linda tbm e é uma inspiração para minha sobrinha, q agora está com 20 dias!
Obrigada e parabéns pela sobrinha, Paty!
DeleteAmei esse niver. Parabéns ao Mateus. Bjus.
ReplyDeleteObrigada a todas pelos comentários queridos!
ReplyDeleteEstou sem palavras ... vc. mais uma vez surpreendendo!!!
Kelly Nomura
Oi Flávia!!!
ReplyDeleteQue festa linda menina.
Sempre leio sobre o teu blog no da Bonfa, mas é a primeira vez que venho aqui. E, claro, já estou te seguindo.
Bem que tu podia compartilhar a tua receita de macarrons, eles ficaram perfeitoooos.
Oi Silvia, muito obrigada! Posso compartilhar a receita dos macarons sim, mas o mais importante acho que é a técnica, que ainda não domino (e obrigada de novo pelo "perfeitos":-) Enquanto não copio a receita, deixo aqui o nome do livro que usei, com ótimas dicas e bem detalhado: "Les Petits Macarons: Colorful French Confections to Make at Home". Comprei usado na Amazon (sempre que posso, compro livros usados - uma dica ecológica :-) Beijos!!
DeleteTentarei fazer a guirlando entao. Mas gostaria de saber qual foi o tamanho do aro e o número dos baloês que vc usou para aquela quantidade de 75 unidades de baloes. Pode me ajudar?
Oi Adriane, pro aro usei uma guirlanda de palha (com o plástico em volta, pra não soltar palha) de 14 inches (uns 35 cm) e na verdade usei 2 pacotes de 75, tamanho padrão, não sei ao certo a medida deles (talvez uns 4-5cm?) Tem um passo a passo bem explicativo nesse site aqui: http://www.howdoesshe.com/birthday-wreath/comment-page-1/ Boa sorte!!
DeleteI had already decided on a "Time Flies" theme when I stumbled across this blog! I am in LOVE with your creativity!! Can I ask where you found the clock to make Mateus' picture-clock? Also, I love the inexpensive food tray clocks. How'd you nab those? Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for stopping by and for the sweet comments :-) I bought the memo holder clock years ago on a trip to France, but I found a similar one on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Wanted-Wall-Clock-Memo-Holder-Aluminum/dp/B000VZUXXS/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1387318253&sr=8-9&keywords=photo+clip+wall+clock
DeleteThe tray clocks were purchased from Target. I'm sure you can still find them (hopefully on sale!)
Good luck and have an amazing party!!